Regular Series Dermatology clinic A 6-month-old boy with a vesicular rash Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday January 2019 2019; 20(1): 42-43
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A rash on the forearms of a hospitalised patient Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday December 2018 2018; 19(12): 50-51
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A photodistributed rash in a malnourished patient Emily Forward, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday November 2018 2018; 19(11): 66-67
Regular Series Dermatology clinic An 18-month-old girl with a severe blistering rash Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday October 2018 2018; 19(10): 56-57
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A girl with an itchy vesicular rash Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday September 2018 2018; 19(9): 67-68
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A girl with itchy plaques on the arms and legs Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday August 2018 2018; 19(8): 52-53
Regular Series Dermatology clinic An erythematous pustular rash on the torso and limbs Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday July 2018 2018; 19(7): 47-49
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Peeling of the palmar surface of the fingers Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday June 2018 2018; 19(6): 49-51
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A child with a reticulated erythematous rash Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday May 2018 2018; 19(5): 61-62
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Pruritic bullae on a girl’s arms and legs Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday April 2018 2018; 19(4): 52-53
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A pruritic rash on the lower legs and arms Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday March 2018 2018; 19(3): 47-48
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Bleeding varicose veins and a pustular rash Philippa Dickison, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday February 2018 2018; 19(2): 52-53
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Chronic inflammatory nodules in the groin area Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday January 2018 2018; 19(1): 52-53
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A teenager with an ear rash and facial weakness Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday December 2017 2017; 18(12): 42-43
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A young boy with persistent itch and no apparent rash Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday November 2017 2017; 18(11): 61-62
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A boy with papules on the toes and a rash on the face Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday October 2017 2017; 18(10): 63-65
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Refractory shallow ulcers on the lower leg Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday September 2017 2017; 18(9): 59-61
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A young boy with a painful facial lesion Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday August 2017 2017; 18(8): 63-64
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Sudden onset of painful genital ulcers Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday July 2017 2017; 18(7): 64-65
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Thick warty crusts on the hands Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday June 2017 2017; 18(6): 54-55
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A child with swollen lips and angular cheilitis Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday May 2017 2017; 18(5): 57-58
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A sudden outbreak of facial papules and pustules Victoria Harris, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday April 2017 2017; 18(4): 67-68
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A white lesion on the penis Andrew Lee, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday March 2017 2017; 18(3): 64-65
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A baby with a sudden blistering and erythematous skin eruption Andrew Lee, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday February 2017 2017; 18(2): 59-61
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A vesiculopustular eruption of the beard Andrew Lee, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday January 2017 2017; 18(1): 50-51