Feature Article Emergency medicine Fever in adults: keys to rational management Paul Preisz, David Wise MedicineToday March 2001 2001; 2(3): 69-72
Feature Article Pharmacology and therapeutics Oral antibiotics: optimal prescribing in the community Adrienne Torda MedicineToday November 2000 2000; 1(11): 53-60
Feature Article Men’s health Nongonococcal urethritis: management in general practice Nina Wines, Linda Dayan MedicineToday November 2000 2000; 1(11): 30-36
Feature Article Dermatology Could it be scabies? Nina Wines, Stephen Shumack MedicineToday October 2000 2000; 1(10): 62-69
Feature Article Infectious diseases HIV infection in adults: shared and acute care Edward Coughlan, Basil Donovan MedicineToday October 2000 2000; 1(10): 48-57
Feature Article Infectious diseases Is your practice an infection hazard? David H Mitchell MedicineToday September 2000 2000; 1(9): 68-75
Feature Article Infectious diseases Minimising inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics John Turnidge, Nicholas Zwar MedicineToday May 2000 2000; 1(5): 70-81
Feature Article Infectious diseases Infectious diseases of tropical Australia Bart J Currie MedicineToday March 2000 2000; 1(3): 71-81