Clinical Flowchart Cardiovascular medicine Pharmacological treatment algorithm for systolic heart failure Arvin Lamanna, John J Atherton MedicineToday June 2010 2010; 11(6): 56-68
Clinical Flowchart Cardiovascular medicine Diagnostic algorithm for suspected heart failure Arvin Lamanna, John J Atherton MedicineToday June 2010 2010; 11(6): 56-68
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease Ian Hamilton-craig MedicineToday January 2009 2009; 10(1): 36-44
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Primary prevention of coronary heart disease Ian Hamilton-craig MedicineToday December 2008 2008; 9(12): 23-35
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Chronic heart failure. Part 2: treatment and prevention Kiran Swaraj, Peter Macdonald MedicineToday July 2005 2005; 6(7): 60-70
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine The why, who and how of CHD prevention Mark R Nelson, Andrew Tonkin MedicineToday December 2004 2004; 5(12): 14-22
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Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Treating-to-risk: an approach to managing absolute CVD risk and hypertension Christian Hamilton-craig, Anne L Tonkin MedicineToday January 2001 2001; 2(1): 37-42