Regular Series Addiction medicine Treatment of patients with opioid dependence Nick Lintzeris MedicineToday July 2015 2015; 16(7): 56-61
Supplement Prescription opioid misuse: contemporary challenges MedicineToday June 2015 2015; 16(6 Suppl): 1-32
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine NOACs in cardiovascular disease: what is their role? Jyotsna Janardan, Harry Gibbs MedicineToday June 2015 2015; 16(6): 14-24
Regular Series Dermatology clinic A persistent submammary rash Andrew Lee, Gayle Fischer MedicineToday June 2015 2015; 16(6): 58-59
Regular Series Psychological medicine Emotional blunting and depression: symptom or side effect? Philip M Boyce MedicineToday June 2015 2015; 16(6): 67-69
Regular Series Drug update Vortioxetine: a new option for depression John Wg Tiller MedicineToday May 2015 2015; 16(5): 57-59
Regular Series Addiction medicine Benefits and challenges to the implementation of real-time prescription monitoring Rowan P Ogeil, Cherie Heilbronn, Belinda Lloyd, Dan I Lubman MedicineToday April 2015 2015; 16(4): 65-68
Regular Series Therapeutics clinic Putting COPD medications into perspective Christopher Worsnop MedicineToday February 2015 2015; 16(2): 57-62
Feature Article Respiratory medicine Severe asthma: new frontiers of treatment Jo Douglass, Nur-shirin Harun MedicineToday January 2015 2015; 16(1): 27-33
Regular Series Therapeutics clinic An update on the medical management of benign prostatic hypertrophy Minh Tran, Phillip D Stricker Ao MedicineToday October 2014 2014; 15(10): 72-76
Regular Series Gastroenterology clinic The emerging role of faecal microbiota transplantation Jane M Andrews, Sam Costello MedicineToday July 2014 2014; 15(7): 62-64
Feature Article Dermatology Therapies for common cutaneous fungal infections Keng-ee Thai MedicineToday June 2014 2014; 15(6): 35-47
Regular Series Immunisation update Pneumococcal disease: the latest on immunisation Rodney Pearce MedicineToday June 2014 2014; 15(6): 58-61
Regular Series Ophthalmology clinic ‘What vitamins should I take for my macula, doctor?’ Paul Beaumont Am, Travers Weaver MedicineToday May 2014 2014; 15(5): 48-52
Feature Article Obstetrics and gynaecology Management of pain and fever during pregnancy Debra Kennedy MedicineToday May 2014 2014; 15(5): 18-23
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Effective ways to prevent recurrence of acute coronary syndrome Julie Redfern, Tom Briffa, Rohina Joshi MedicineToday April 2014 2014; 15(4): 49-52
Feature Article Infectious diseases Shingles – how to prevent it, how to treat it Anthony L Cunningham, John Litt MedicineToday April 2014 2014; 15(4): 20-27
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Medical management after control of myocardial ischaemia Peter L Thompson, Chris Judkins, Angus G Thompson MedicineToday March 2014 2014; 15(3): 28-34
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Sudden onset of blisters on the arms and neck Gayle Fischer MedicineToday November 2013 2013; 14(11): 60-61
Regular Series Drug update Tapentadol: a new analgesic among the opioids Stephan A Schug MedicineToday November 2013 2013; 14(11): 54-55
Regular Series Drug update Pregabalin: another option for neuropathic pain Eric J Visser MedicineToday August 2013 2013; 14(8): 71-73
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Propranolol: a promising new treatment for infantile haemangioma Annika Smith, Orli Wargon MedicineToday April 2013 2013; 14(4): 61-63
Feature Article Palliative care Pain relief and the end of life Vicki Tai, Melanie Lovell MedicineToday April 2013 2013; 14(4): 16-24
Regular Series Diabetes clinic Game changers in type 2 diabetes: after three antihypertensives, what’s next? Pat Phillips MedicineToday March 2013 2013; 14(3): 47-52
Regular Series Drug update Dabigatran etexilate for preventing stroke and systemic embolism in atrial fibrillation Alex Gallus, Joanne Judd MedicineToday March 2013 2013; 14(3): 69-75